Saturday, May 7, 2011

Order: Shaw Bing - Spongebob Hp Case

yeay. new design for hp case
im starting to like these design... compared to previous one (2d like)
and i had settled my biggest problem which is usually wrong measurement. i did measure, but somehow it turns smaller than the actual one :(
but this one is so OK for me...

how bout you? you like the previous one or this?

do drop me email, if you have any suggestion, idea or complaint; at


Lisa said... cute..n neat.,dah a few times buat spngbob,tapi tak pernah jadi2..really love ur spongbob..thumbs up!

Dewi's Artwork Station said...

thanks a lot dear!
ni pun byk kali try n error...
masih belum perfect lg bg sy..
but practice makes perfect.
i believe in that :)