Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Notebook: Organizer Cover

telah di-order oleh Mr Azhar (my course mate)
dalam ada organizer hand book hard cover tebal. cukup tebal utk pakai setahun :p
when it comes to designing guy-taste... it's hard to do.
haha.. maybe because i am not that manly..? hahahaha (ngarut suda)
im a girl.. :D tak aneh la kan..

design utk cover ni boleh di custom made ikut kemahuan anda
nak cover sahaja pun bole
bagi saiz
nak dengan buku pun boleh... 
nak pakai buku biasa *bukan hard cover pun boleh
just name it and how and what theme or what so ever...
i'll do it for u with a price. hehe

size (dalam gamba di atas): 15cm x 22cm

kalau macam atas ni
cover + hard cover organizer hand book: RM40
cover + notebook kulit biasa: RM30
cover sahaja: RM25

but still, price stated above is roughly punya price
it could be more... and it could be less
DEPENDS on the design and material used :)

interested? nak bincang2...atau nak ushar harga
bole isi order form ya :)

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